Toddler Play

There are lots of enjoyable activities you can do with your toddler. Remember you are their favourite plaything. Taking the time to follow your toddler’s lead will provide you with many new experiences and insights into your toddler’s world. Activities that give your toddler a sense of their body, encourage physical skills development and provide a rich environment of language and music are all ideal. Choose toys and activities that motivate your toddler to play, explore and learn about themselves and their environment. Such toys help develop their movement skills e.g. sand and water play, a push along wagon and pull–along toys, ride on toys.
Digital technology and toddler
Toddlers are very attracted to the rapidly changing colours and bright lights of many digital devices. However, it is strongly advised that parents avoid or limit exposing their toddlers to television, computers, tablets, mobile devices and playstations. There is no evidence that television or digital devices helps with your baby’s learning. Interacting with people is the best way to enhance a baby’s learning.
Reading to your toddler
- Toddlers love books. They provide opportunities to tell stories using descriptive language.
- eBook readers are fine to use occasionally but a balance is needed as your toddler may miss developing the fine motor skills that are required to turn pages of a hard covered book.
- Playing music and making music with your toddler, is a very positive and enjoyable activity and key to supporting toddler’s development.
- Start by singing nursery rhymes and doing the actions. Move to the rhythm of the music while holding your toddler.
- Your toddler may enjoy making music by banging on a saucepan with a wooden spoon, banging on a toy drum or shaking a rattle.
Supervise your toddler closely at all times, especially around water and climbing equipment
Check toys regularly to make sure they are still safe: no sharp jagged edges, no broken loose parts.
Your local council or library will often have a toy library where you can borrow age-appropriate toys, and CD’s. This provides a wonderful opportunity for your toddler to be exposed to a range of interesting toys and music.