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Tresillian - It's in our nature to nurture
Services & Locations Locations Nepean Residential Services
Residential Services

Tresillian Nepean

Tresillian's Nepean Residential Service helps families needing a more intensive level of support in their parenting journey. Families live in at Tresillian for 4-nights, 5-days with meals and accommodation provided.

Virtual Tour

Join us for a virtual tour of Tresillian Nepean Residential Services where new parents and their babies can receive expert care and support in a comfortable and nurturing environment.

How Tresillian helps

Tresillian’s Nepean Residential Service helps families needing a more intensive level of support in their parenting journey.   Families live in at Tresillian for 4-nights, 5-days with meals and accommodation provided.

Our team includes experienced child & family health nurses, specialists in lactation, psychologists, paediatricians, psychiatrists, and GP’s who work in partnership with you to help make sense of your child’s crying, sleep, feeding and behaviour. We aim to help you build a positive relationship with your child, giving you confidence and reassurance as you progress through your parenting journey. We can also support you with your own emotional well-being.

Partners are actively encouraged to participate during your stay.  Group education is also offered on a variety of parenting topics.

Cost - For the parent and child, fees are covered by Medicare and/or by your Private Health Insurance. For partners, a boarding fee per night applies to cover meals and accommodation.

Your admission to Tresillian Nepean Residential

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    Firstly, we’ll be in touch to arrange your appointment time. 

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    On the day of admission, our friendly Nurses will show you to your room that includes a double/single bed, ensuite and nursery, set up with a cot/toddler bed and baby change facilities. Healthy meals are available to suit most dietary requirements

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    Our nurses work in partnership with you, to understand your family’s needs and develop goals to work towards, during your admission.

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    You’ll be encouraged to follow your child’s lead throughout the 4-nights/5-days stay, so when they need to sleep or feed, our Nurse can help with advice.

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    We may suggest you consider joining one of our group programs held regularly in our Centres and virtually, on a variety of parenting topics.

Preparing for your visit

Not sure what to expect during your visit? No worries! We have all the information you need.
I went to Tresillian Nepean with my daughter who is 7 months old and was feeding to sleep, unable to self-settle, not in a routine and waking every 2-3 hours during the day and night. Due to the help, we received at Tresillian, she is now only waking up once or twice overnight, following the feed, play, sleep routine and can self-settle or requires a small amount of assistance. The Nurses were amazing, and we could not fault them. The Social Worker was so welcoming and put referrals in place to assist with my mental health. It was a life-changing experience and I feel like every family should refer themselves to Tresillian.


To book a visit to Tresillian talk to your GP or Child and Family Health Nurse or fill in this short online booking form and one of our Nurses will call you back.

Families live in at Tresillian Nepean Residential for 4-nights, 5-days.

Tresillian Nepean Residential Service fees are covered by Medicare and/or Private Health Insurance for parent and child. For partners, a boarding fee applies to cover meals and accommodation. 

No. Parents can BOOK A VISIT on the Tresillian website. Fill in a short online contact form and one of our Nurses will call you back. 

For a guide on what to bring to your residential stay please visit the Preparing for your Stay section.

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Centre Details

Monday to Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

Location Enquiry

Location Enquiry
1B Barber Ave, Kingswood NSW 2747, Australia