Top Tips & Videos

On this page
- What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
- Breastfeeding Myths and Misinformation
- Why does my new baby want to feed all the time?
- How long should my baby breastfeed for?
- Why do I have an oversupply of breast milk?
- Can stress impact on milk supply?
- What is Baby-Led weaning off breastfeeding?
- How do I wean my baby off breastfeeding?
- Breastfeeding FAQ's
Tresillian is here for you - 7 days a week. If you are having breastfeeding difficulties you can now self-refer to Tresillian services by calling our Parent’s Help Line on 1300 272 736. Call now to talk to one of our experienced nurses about which Tresillian service will best suit you.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
Breast is best! Here at Tresillian we strongly encourage breastfeeding. For baby, breastmilk is the ideal food as it satisfies both thirst and hunger and provides all the nutrition your baby needs for the first six months. It contains antibodies that increase your baby’s immunity. Research shows that breastfed babies often have lower cholesterol and blood pressure and lower rates of obesity into adulthood. Breastmilk is also free and very portable!
Breastfeeding Myths and Misinformation
Many parents tell us they’re confused by the information they receive on breastfeeding. A common myth is that ‘Mother’s milk is too weak for baby that’s why baby is unsettled’. The fact is, even though breastmilk looks thin and watery, it’s the ideal food for baby. Another one is ‘It’s not possible to return to work and continue breastfeeding’. It takes a bit of preplanning, but by learning to express and store breastmilk, most women can return to work and still breastfeed their baby.
Why does my new baby want to feed all the time?
It’s normal for a newborn to feed at intervals of 2 to 5 hours, and feeds may take from 45 minutes to an hour. This is known as ‘cluster-feeding’ and usually occurs in the evening. It’s very normal to increase high fat feeds which help towards longer periods of sleep at night. In the early months your baby needs a minimum of 6-8 feeds in 24 hours. As your baby grows, the duration of the breastfeed and amount of feeds become less.
How long should my baby breastfeed for?
Many parents are concerned their baby is receiving the right amount of breastmilk. Baby should be feeding frequently and be having lots of very wet nappies. Weight gain is also a sign and worth discussing with your local Child & Family Health Nurse. You’ll know your baby has had enough when their body is looking relaxed and contented with hands open and extended legs. They may even fall asleep at the breast.
Why do I have an oversupply of breast milk?
Many mothers have the problem of too much breastmilk. You’ll know this if your breasts are feeling very full and uncomfortable. You may need to express some milk prior to attaching your baby – this will help soften the nipple and areola, which will encourage a deeper latch and more effectively drain the breast. If baby is gulping and having trouble with the milk flow, they may pull off. Allow your breasts to leak and then re-attach.
Can stress impact on milk supply?
Some breastfeeding mothers find they just don’t seem to have a good milk supply. Stress and being overtired can have a big impact so try and increase the amount of rest you’re getting and look at ways of improving your diet. Avoid giving baby extra top-up feeds with formula milk as this can diminish supply. Speak to your local child and family health Nurse or GP about the best options for your family.
What is Baby-Led weaning off breastfeeding?
‘Baby-led’ weaning is when your baby decides to cut back or stop breastfeeds altogether, usually when baby is around 9 to 12 months. This can be distressing time for you if you’ve enjoyed the breastfeeding experience. It may only be temporary due a low milk supply or hormonal changes in your body, so talk it over with your local child and family health nurse if you want to continue breastfeeding. Often the problem can be resolved.
How do I wean my baby off breastfeeding?
If possible, it’s best to wean your baby slowly as then your breast milk supply will diminish gradually and comfortably. This means reducing the number of breastfeeds given to baby over a chosen period of time. This method allows your baby’s digestive system to get used to food from another source. Weaning can take place over a week, a month or slowly over three months. At Tresillian we recommend you try and maintain the first feed of the morning for as long as possible to give you and your baby time to adjust.
Breastfeeding FAQ's
Some mothers are able to continue to fully or partially breastfeed their baby for many months after returning to work. It does take some pre-planning, but it’s worth the effort. Don’t be put off easily. Discussing your desire to breastfeed with your employer may help to gain some support. Start by expressing extra breastmilk and freezing it. If you haven’t been expressing, it might take a little while to build up your milk supply to be able to express more than a few milli-litres of milk each time you express. Hiring an electric breast pump may make the process easier. You may need to express at work to keep your breasts comfortable. Keep the milk refrigerated and bring it home in an insulated cool bag. Some mothers find regular expressing difficult to maintain. However, your baby can be offered an infant formula when you are at work, and still be breastfed at home. Many mothers and babies are able to continue to partially breastfeed for many months with this more flexible arrangement.
Going from being the centre of attention to having to share attention with another can be very difficult when you are 2 ½ years old (see Introduction). Organise a snack for your 2½ year old child to have while your baby is feeding. Make the snack fun by putting the food into a lunch box and adding interesting healthy foods. Place a rug on the floor so he can have a picnic. Having a special DVD or television show to put on while you feed can help keep your toddler occupied and happy. Have a special book to read or toy to play with during feeding time. This can act as a distraction and make feeding a special time. Tell your son that you will spend some time playing with him when you have put the baby down to sleep. Make sure you carry through with any promises you make to spend time with your son. Providing some structured attention with mummy or daddy can really make a difference as does encouraging extended family and friends to share some of their attention with both your son and baby.
As you have a couple of weeks until you are admitted to hospital, building up a supply of breast milk in your freezer will provide milk for your baby when you are unable to feed. In hospital, arrange ahead for your baby to room in with you (as per hospital policies to promote, protect and support breastfeeding), with the support of your partner or alternately to be brought into you at regular intervals to breastfeed. When you are being admitted talk to the nurses about your needs as a breastfeeding mother. You may need to ask for assistance to sit up to breastfeed or to express when you have returned from the operation. At home, your baby may be a little fussy or even refuse the breast when they are reintroduced to the breast. This may be a reaction to the emotional and physical separation of mother and baby and if the baby needed to be temporarily offered milk feeds from a bottle. Gently persist in offering the breast, as it may take a little while before baby settles back into a good feeding pattern.
Our nurses and paediatricians are committed to supporting breastfeeding if this is the mother’s chosen method of feeding her baby. Breastfeeding encouragement, education and support is provided to mothers striving to overcome difficulties breastfeeding. However, if a mother makes the decision to wean this will be respected and supported. If a mother chooses to give her baby an infant formula or has to wean for whatever reason, the nurses will support and help the mother to ensure that infant feeding is an important and pleasurable experience for both her and the baby.
Please refer to detailed information here from Commonwealth Department of Health. Copy and paste this link into your browser.