Additional Baby Tips

Bringing your precious baby home is an exciting experience. As you adjust to this new chapter in your life, there are several important aspects to consider to make sure it's a smooth transition.
The first few weeks are all about learning how to feed, and communicate with your baby and starting to recognise some of their sleeping routines. This needs to happen with the least stress possible. When you both enjoy being with each other, it usually follows that feeding will go better, as will sleeping. Here are some additional baby tips to help this period go as smoothly as possible.
Support in the first few weeks
Supportive relationships are essential for you, so you and your baby can connect and get to know each other. It can be helpful to have plenty of good support around you during these early weeks to help you adjust. Good support involves you communicating what your families needs are; maybe bringing a meal, doing a basket of washing, bringing a load in off the line, or sitting and having an adult conversation and a hot drink together.
This might mean your partner takes some time off from work if they can. Not only does it mean both parents can bond with the baby but it also means you can share caregiving responsibilities so you both can get a break at times. Discuss a plan that works with your family's needs and schedule.
You might also ask from support from extended family and friends. They will all be keen to meet your baby. It's important to know it's ok to say no to visitors when you're not up to it. You can also remind visiting friends and family members to be up to date with their immunisations before meeting your baby.
You could ask your partner or friend to coordinate visits. They could specify how long the visit could last between feeds or naps so and your baby don't get overwhelmed.
Remember, getting over labour and birth takes time, as well as adjusting to your new role as a parent. Don't push yourself too hard and take the time to rest and get to know your new baby.

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Baby items
You'll probably find you're a regular visitor at the baby store in the first few weeks. Although most parents buy things like a car seat, pram and a cot before the baby is born, lots of items can be delayed until you get to know your baby.
For example, you might have bought a gleaming new pram but find your baby doesn't like being in it at all. They might prefer being strapped close to you in a baby carrier or wrap.
Or you might find the capsule unwieldy and difficult to use and opt instead for a rear facing car seat that you don't need to carry.
If you don't want to buy new, ask around from family and friends or take a look at second hand markets or Facebook Marketplace. Often baby products are only used for a few months so there is plenty of wear left. Make sure you check for wear and tear and read the safety instructions before you use any second hand product. You can also check out our guide in our first baby checklist.

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Baby proofing
Before your baby starts moving, you will need to start think about baby proofing your home. Although it might seem a while away, you'll be surprised how quickly babies can traverse the floor once they start rolling!
Visit our baby proofing page for tips on how to proof each room of your home.

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Travelling with your baby
If you plan to travel with your baby in the early months, make sure you have all the essentials like nappies, feeding supplies, and a safe car seat. A small travel stroller and baby carrier are also handy items to consider. Plan frequent breaks for feeding and changes during long journeys, and feeding or sucking on a pacifier during take-off and landing during flights helps your baby equalise the pressure in their ears. Read more tips about travelling with your baby.