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The feed, play, sleep routine is the core structure of your baby’s day but changes as your baby grows and develops.
Understanding your baby’s language
Babies have their own language using their body movements, and facial expressions as a means of communicating. We call this ‘non-verbal baby cues’. So, how do you get to understand your baby? Try following your baby’s lead. Watch carefully for those ‘baby cues’; when they’re enjoying themselves, when they’re tired or ready for bed. It takes time and patience, but soon you will begin to know what your baby is trying to tell you
What’s a typical 5 month old baby feeding schedule?
Many parents ask when will baby start to fit in with the family’s mealtime schedules? By 5 or 6 months, your baby is likely to be in a comfortable pattern around feeding, socialising and sleeps. They may still wake as early as 5am for a milk feed and then at 6 months move slowly towards having a milk feed before solid food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some babies may still want one milk feed overnight.
What is the normal baby sleep cycle for a 6 month old?
During this period your baby’s sleep patterns should remain much the same. Most babies will sleep continuously for about 5 to 6 hours on most nights - some may still wake two or three times a night. This is perfectly normal. Some babies take longer to learn how to selfsettle than others. In terms of day sleeps, babies at this age tend to have a sleep in the morning and after lunch and possibly a third short sleep in the afternoon.
Tips on improving Toddler behaviour
Toddlers can be an absolute joy but can also be very challenging. So, what’s the best way to deal with a toddler whose behaviour is not acceptable? Firstly, a predictable routine and home environment will help your toddler to feel secure. Toddlers need clear messages about which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Try focusing on positive behaviours – what they should be doing and give lots of descriptive praise when they are behaving well.
Why does my baby’s head look flat at the back?
Often parents are concerned about the shape of their babies head – it may appear flat at the back. Generally, the reason for this is because baby is being placed in the same position to sleep and play. Next time they’re up, place your baby on their tummy using a toy to encourage them to lift their head and look around - slowly increase their tummy time, each day. Always put your baby to sleep on their back.