Baby Feeding Tips & Videos

On this page
- How do I feed my baby with a bottle?
- What are the signs my newborn baby is hungry?
- Why is my newborn baby vomiting after feeding?
- How much weight should a newborn baby gain?
- When do babies start eating solids?
- What is the best 8 month old baby food?
- My toddler is refusing to eat!
- What’s a typical 5 month old baby feeding schedule?
- When baby falls asleep during a feed
- When can my baby start eating with the family?
Here Tresillian offers tips and advice on signs to look for that baby is ready for solids; whether to chop, mash or puree and what to do if your toddler is a fussy eater.
How do I feed my baby with a bottle?
Many women would love to breastfeed their babies but for lots of reasons, are unable to do so. Bottle feeding is an acceptable alternative. There are things you can do make feeding time a special experience. Try to maintain eye to eye contact with your baby, gently stroking arms and legs. Try not to hand over your baby to friends to feed, instead keep this time when either you or your partner can connect with your baby.
What are the signs my newborn baby is hungry?
How do you know when your newborn is hungry? Crying is the most obvious sign your baby is hungry, but there are usually earlier hunger signs too, like when baby starts opening and closing their mouth and sucking on hands and fingers. These can quickly move to the ‘Feed me now’ cues when baby starts fussing, fidgeting or trying to position for feeding. Try to recognise these early cues before baby becomes too distressed.
Why is my newborn baby vomiting after feeding?
Many parents worry about their newborn vomiting up milk. About 40 percent of babies have a condition known as ‘Gastro-oesophageal reflux’ or (GOR). It usually starts before baby is 8 weeks of age. You’ll know they have GOR if they’re regularly bringing up small amounts of milk after or between feeds. The good news is that it usually doesn’t need any treatment and by 12 months most babies have grown out of the condition.
How much weight should a newborn baby gain?
Weight is an important measure of your baby’s health, so it’s important to have your baby assessed regularly by your local Child and Family Health Nurse in the first 12 months. After birth, babies do lose weight in the first 10 days of life and then regain it by about 2 to 3 weeks of age. On average, most babies gain around 100 grams a week during the first three months. If you’re concerned, call us here at Tresillian.
When do babies start eating solids?
At around the age of 6 months, infants are physiologically and developmentally ready for new foods, textures and modes of feeding, and they need more nutrients than can be provided by breastmilk or formula alone. First foods might be smooth, mashed or in soft pieces, and over time your baby will progress on to minced foods and then chopped foods. You can introduce solids in any order, as long as you include iron-rich foods and a variety of food textures. This helps him learn how to chew, and chewing helps with your baby’s speech development.
What is the best 8 month old baby food?
Around 8 months your baby will start to chew using their gums and this is sign they’re ready to try more mashed and chopped foods. Start by introducing finger foods such as toast fingers, chopped banana, cooked vegetable sticks and cheeses. Rusks are fine so long as they’re sugarless. And give them a teaspoon so they can help feed themselves. Always watch your baby very carefully when you’re introducing new foods and watch for any signs of choking.
My toddler is refusing to eat!
It can be really concerning when your toddler just won’t eat. Assuming they’re healthy and well, start by writing down everything they consume over the period of a few days. Are they drinking vast amounts of milk or fruit juice….because this will definitely take the edge of their appetite? The good news is that a child who is growing more or less between the same percentile is eating enough, even if it appears to be very little.
What’s a typical 5 month old baby feeding schedule?
Many parents ask when will baby start to fit in with the family’s mealtime schedules? By 5 or 6 months, your baby is likely to be in a comfortable pattern around feeding, socialising and sleeps. They may still wake as early as 5am for a milk feed and then at 6 months move slowly towards having a milk feed before solid food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some babies may still want one milk feed overnight.
When baby falls asleep during a feed
Very young babies often fall asleep during a feed and if a little stimulation by the mother doesn’t wake the baby it could be a signal that the baby has had enough. If your baby goes to sleep during a feed, gently stimulate your baby e.g. rub baby’s back, and stroke the head, legs and tummy or a nappy change. Babies are good at judging when they have had enough to eat. Bottle feeding problems can start when you’re weaning baby after breastfeeding. Some babies prefer to be breastfed and will actively refuse to take milk from a bottle. Double check the infant formula is correctly made up as per the instructions on the tin? If your baby has started solids, try offering the bottle before each meal. Is the teat too slow? Are the holes blocked? If you continue to have issues talk to your child and family health nurse.
When can my baby start eating with the family?
As soon as baby can sit up in a highchair and take solids, they can be eating meals with the family and enjoying the social aspect of dining. Be sure to give them a spoon so they can help feed themselves. Try and adapt family’s meals for baby where possible. And if baby’s feeding times don’t coincide with yours, feed him earlier and give him finger food to eat while you enjoy your meal. Mealtimes are family times.